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Welcome to the photo gallery! Feel free to take a look at the herstory superstar readers, whose pictures can also be found on the instagram and facebook pages :)

Love Lydia x 

Chanel book
Marie Curie book
Rosa Parks book
Ada Lovelace book
Boudicca book
Boudicca book
Chanel book
Rosa Parks book
Marie Curie book
Marie Curie book
Ada Loveace book
Chanel book
Boudicca book
Rosa Parks book
Chanel book
Marie Curie book
Boudicca book
Boudicca Book
Rosa Parks book
Chanel book
Marie Curie book
Marie Curie book
Chanel book
Chanel book
Marie Curie book
Boudicca book
Rosa Parks book
Rosa Parks book
Marie Curie book
Boudicca book
Rosa Parks book
Boudicca book
Rosa Parks book
Ada Lovelace
Boudicca book
Marie Curie book
Boudicca Book
Rosa Parks book
Marie Curie book
Marie Curie book
Boudicca book
Chanel book

Send your photos!

If you have a superstar reader at home, take a photo of them with their herstory and send it to me at

It's always lovely to see the real superstars - the readers!

Love Lydia x 

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